Qlimax 2024 | The Final Prophecy

Qlimax 2024 | The Final Prophecy

  • Sa., 16. Nov. 2024, 21:00
  • GelreDome
  • Arnheim, Niederlande

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Dieses Event ist beendet

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Disciples, our final ritual awaits. On November 16th, we shall forge a new reality during the last edition of Qlimax. After 24 years, the time has come to fulfill this long-foretold prophecy. Together, we shall unleash the power of the Dark Star once and for all. For this has always been our destiny. Watch the Qlimax The Final Prophecy trailer now on YouTube: bit.ly/Trailer-Qlimax-2024
During this night, we will embark on a journey through the mystical realms of Qlimax, honoring the essence of our longest-running event. Qlimax holds a very special place in the hearts of everyone at Q-dance and we owe it to Qlimax, our scene and its dedicated fans to end with an edition everyone will remember and cherish.

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