CODA | ADE 2024

CODA | ADE 2024

  • So., 20. Okt. 2024, 14:00
  • Lofi
  • Amsterdam, Niederlande

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Dieses Event ist beendet

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“The concluding section of a dance. Serving as a climax to the basic structure.”

After a year of eager anticipation, CODA returns on Sunday, October 20th. This year, we face Medusa’s gaze and surrender to the dance floor as we combine the familiar with the fresh, guiding you through an intense musical climax. Together, we'll transform Lofi's warehouse into a labyrinth of hedonism and transformative sounds, closing ADE in the sexiest way possible.

With CODA, our aim is to create an experience deeply rooted in the foundations of our community during the international highlight week for dance music. If you have ever purchased a ticket for one of our events - check your mail inbox (or spamfolder).

If you have not received an email, you can pre-register for the remaining presale. You will receive an email update when this goes live.



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